Play - Arcade Games - Multitask





Multitask How many mini games can you keep going at the same time?
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Game Article:
Multitask An addictive game which is all about handling different mini games while playing this main game, Multitask is all about doing different things at the same time and playing around with your options for the best score. The game is pretty unique for the online arcade world and you need to do a variety of different things in game for accumulating a good score. Apart from that, you need to manage your resources well and play the games properly while paying attention to all the games simultaneously. The game is an addictive mixture of simple mini games which get challenging because of the careful selection of the games in the title. Separately, the games are extremely easy and that is something which makes the game addictive. Overall, Multitask has some nice mini games and a nice sound selection which makes the title extremely addictive.
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