Game Article:
Megaman: Project X A core Megaman game, Project X is the latest installment which is very addictive and adds to the enriching experience. The game play is regular, where you have to cross the levels while eliminating your enemies and collecting power ups. As the game progresses, you advance to different levels by beating the level boss of every stage. These bosses require intelligent and frantic movement for elimination and faster movement than other enemies. The most crucial thing to worry about is the life meter, which needs to be conserved while playing the level. The life meter depletes whenever you are hit by an enemy or their fire. Any damage to you means the life meter goes down by a margin. The total effect on the life meter depends on the type of fire that you are taking and the enemy which is attacking you. There are four basic enemies in the game which have been designed to damage and eliminate Megaman. These are dragon flies, Turrets, Spinners, and Sniper Joe. The dragon flies use surprise as the element because they are quick to attack. However, they cause less damage than the other units. The turrets are powerful guns which fire cannons and are very damaging. You can avoid the fire by moving properly and by utilizing their slow speed to your advantage. Next, we have the Spinner which can follow you around the entire map. You cannot shake them off, and if they stick to you, they deal loads of damage. Sniper Joe is the new addition to the line of enemies and he has grenades and his buster to damage you. He also has advanced defense through the means of his powerful shield and you need to hit him when he is not guarded by it. Overall, the game is extremely addictive and old school, and brings the same entertaining experience like other variants.