Game Article:
Typing Test A helpful, addictive and interesting game to check your typing skills, Typing Test is something which teaches you quick typing in a fun and entertaining way. The game is extremely simple, with the game asking you to type according to the instructions on the screen. We have a timer running in the background in this game and it challenges you to get the maximum number of letters in a time frame of thirty seconds. There is nothing much more to the game than simple typing test. Your score is counted as the number of correct letters typed in thirty seconds. You know that you have not typed the correct letter when the letter which has appeared on the screen does not go away even after pressing the key. The letter on the screen persists until you hit the right key on the keyboard. You can ignore the case of the letters while typing because the game focuses more on accuracy rather than precision. What makes the game addictive is its simplicity. Apart from being simple, the game can be customized as per the wish of the player and you can even host typing championship with a couple of people. You can record the score of each person by counting the correct number of hits, the figure being displayed on the game screen. The time period of thirty seconds can be increased for a wider scope of testing. The game can even be used to judge people, or yourself, on the basis of the typing speed and accuracy. Overall, it is an addictive game which has nothing really special, but gives you enough opportunities to put yourself or your friends to test in this dedicated testing machine. Apart from giving a decent playing experience, it can be used for various competitions for typing.