Play - Action Games - Megaman x virus





Megaman x virus It's a fight to the death between Megaman X and Magma Dragoon!
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Game Article:
Megaman x virus An addictive game about Megaman and his adventures in the different worlds, Megaman x virus is all about the fight against Magma Dragoon and the minions and completing the virus mission. The game is mainly about playing the level based arcade missions in the game and clearing each stage for reaching the final one where you face off against the boss. The game is actually interesting and extremely addictive due to the active port of the Megaman adventures into the online arcade world and the transfer of all the game play elements from the console. The game is a side scrolling platformer and you tend to have a lot of fun with Megaman in this version. Power ups, different weapons and other such things make the game extremely interesting. Overall, Megaman x virus is an addictive title with the best of Megaman in the arcades.
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